Halo Infinite: 10 things to do after completing the campaign (after the game / end of the game)
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Have you completed the Infinite Halo campaign, and you're not sure what to do now that you have Halo Zeta Free Reign? Here are 10 things you can do in the post-game / end of Halo Infinite once you've defeated the last opponent of Master Chief.
1. Find all boxes Mjölnir armor
Things to do after beating the Infinite Halo campaign
Arguably the most lucrative collectibles scattered Halo Zeta are lockers Mjölnir armor. There are 34 in total and each will give you a different cosmetic article for use in multiplayer.
These can range from armor masks, amulets, weapons, emblems and coats of vehicles, so it is worth investigating. You can find them easily capturing all FOB and then searching the lockers icons on your map.
2. Eliminates all high-value targets
Things to do after beating Halo campaign Infinite
The most enjoyable side activity in Halo Infinite is undoubtedly the high-value targets (HIT).
These players must eliminate a dangerous and senior member of the Force's removal from. Each has its own little story about why they are considered so valuable, and also have their own variants of unique weapons you can collect and invoked from any FOB once you've defeated.
While it is not as difficult with minor difficulties, those who play Heroic and Legendary find some of them particularly difficult. They still are fun and there are 15 to break down.
3. Find all records audio
Things to do after beating the Infinite Halo campaign
For those looking to get a little more information about his life Halo Infinite, there are countless audio records worldwide.
Hinting your location when you're close with bleeps and bloops, these audio records tell the story of the Spartans, the Marines of the UNSC and Desperado, so you can hear both sides of the story.
There is only one set of achievements related to finding these (thank you very much my colleagues Achievement Hunters), but they are an interesting listen if you can not get enough of the universe. Hallo.
However, note that some of these missions can be found in history and currently can not be played, so be sure to investigate before continuing. If you lose the ability to replay missions will be available in a future update.
4. Reaches the maximum value
Things to do after beating the Infinite Halo campaign
If you just want to have fun in the open world, then you will want to have great weapons and vehicles to do so, and that means maximizing your value.
Courage is earned by completing story missions, saving squads and destroying towers UNSC propaganda and prohibited bases.
Once you've reached the maximum value range, you will have unlocked the Wasp to easily fly around the map, and Rocket Hog, a Warthog with a rocket turret on the back.
Success Who is Max Value? It is also linked to the completion of all activities Reward Value.
5. Find the 40 towers prohibited propaganda
Things to do after beating Halo campaign Infinite
The Halo Grunts are amazing. They have always been great. But Halo Infinite, they can share their funny ramblings with the rest of Zeta Halo. This is thanks to the propaganda prohibited towers have been installed on the map.
There are 40 of these towers to find and destroy each gives you a small amount of value. There is usually an enemy camp near you will have to make, so be sure to be well-equipped.
The problem of finding them is not shown on the map, and the only way to find them is to see them or hear the ramblings of Grunt amplified nearby. The more you zoom in to the tower, the stronger.
You'll also get the achievement 'Off the Air' to destroy 40, in case you need another reason.
6 . Replays on Heroic or Legendary difficulty.
Things to do after beating Halo campaign Infinite
If you played Halo campaign on Easy or Normal Infinite the first time, you can increase the difficulty in Heroic or Legendary difficulty ruthless and try to start again.
You can have multiple saved games, so we recommend doing this in a different save location and maintain your first free save game to recover the missing collectibles.
Unfortunately, you still can not call your friends to help you with a cooperative campaign, but keep in mind that happen after May 2022.
7 . Improve your computer completely spartan cores
Things to do after winning the Halo Infinite campaign
Throughout the missions of the main story, Master Chief will inherit all kinds of different team from the fellow Spartans fallen from him. Drop Wall, Threat Sensor, Thruster and Rappers are great when you get them for the first time, but they become much more interesting when they start uploading them.
However, updating them requires Spartan Cores, another collector article that can be found all over the world. You will need to find 45 Spartan Cores to fully update your team, but most of them can be found in the open world and are marked on your map with an up arrow icon.
Some of them could also be in history missions, so if you have not caught any, you will have to wait until you can play the missions to polish this.
8 . Find all Forerunner artifacts.
Things to do after winning the infinite halo campaign
Another interesting collector article that rewards knowledge is the precursor artifacts. These are much larger than the audio records and the Spartan cores you are looking for and there are less of them, but still provide mysterious recordings.
The precursor artifacts are great circular structures that you will see in Zeta Halo, which is shown in the previous screen capture.
Finding the seven Forerunner artifacts will reward you with the achievement Harris worth 20 player points.
9 . Collect all the skulls
Things to do after winning the Halo Infinite campaign
The skulls have been a basic element in Halo campaigns from the original game. When ordering the players who find incredibly well hidden skulls, these collectibles are easily the most difficult to find.
There are 12 skulls in total in Halo Infinite, and each of them unlocks a modifier that you can then activate in your game.
For example, the Boom skull found in the first mission (there is a video guide useful above, and one for the second skull here) doubles the radius of explosion, causing the skirmishes even more chaotic with the banned.
10 . Accelerates the campaign for the success of Fora Venice
Things to do after winning the infinite halo campaign
Finally, you can test your Speed run skills trying to unlock the 'Fora Venice' achievement.
This requires players to exceed 14 main missions in less than eight hours. There is also the achievement Gun Runner that requires you to eliminate the three banned AA guns that you will hit when you are on an island in the main story in less than 20 minutes.
To get more tips and tricks, go to our wiki or click on the links below.
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