I am confirmed the last day of the day '1,3012 people' ... Patient umbro value to the falsification of Omiton

Domestic Corona 19 new confirmation recorded 13,000 people. More than 5,000 people increased over the previous day, Mitigation is an analysis that the trend of Mitigation was full.

According to the Central Breakfast Measures, as of 06, the domestic community confirmation is 15,743, and 269 overseas influx cases were confirmed, and new confirmation was confirmed to be a total of 13,12. This is the first time to break the 10,000 people, the first time to step on the examples of overseas cases that have been trendy.

Recently, during the recent (20th to 26th), the incidence of patients with date of date is 6,767 ▲ 21, 6767 ▲ 22 days 7,77 people ▲ 7,628 days ▲ 7,628 people ▲ 7,628 Name ▲ 8,555 days ▲ 26 to 121,22 people. The weekly cumulative is 57,98, and the total number of accumulated accumulations were aggregated with 762,983 (2,234 overseas inlets).

The last day of the day, the status of the restructuring was 4,22 games, and the most patient occurred. Seoul, 31,100 people, and 879 Inchon, which are in the midst of the metropolitan area.

563 Susan ▲ 563 Susan ▲ 542 Gyeongsangnam-do 542 ▲ Gyeongbuk 417 people ▲ Kwangju 396 people ▲ Kwangju ▲ 370 people ▲ Keokuk ▲ President Keokuk ▲ Sejong 77 people ▲ EU is 53.

The examples of overseas influx are ▲ 118 Asia, China, 46 Europe ▲ 90 Americas ▲ Africa is 11 people ▲ 269 Oceania and 4 Oceania. These were confirmed that 54 in the quarantine level, were confirmed 215 in the community. The nationality is 173, and 96 foreigners.

In addition, deaths are ▲ ▲ ▲ over 11 years old ▲ 70s ▲ 60s ▲ 60s ▲ 50s ▲ There are 32 people and 40s. The cumulative death is 6620, and the critical rate is 0.87%.

The previous day, 7 people were reduced by 7 people. During the 20th to 26th period, the suspension of the duty at 488 people ▲ 431 people on the 21st, 433, 431, 431, 431 people ▲ 24 days 418 people ▲ ▲ 392 people ▲ 385 people ▲ 26 days, 385 people. Inpatient patients are 123 people, 902 people.

On the other hand, the number of cumulative insurers and the number of vaccinations per vaccination is 4,459,9919 (86.9%) ▲ The secondary incubator (86.9%) ▲ The second incubator (85.5%) ▲ 3rd incubator 2 578,700,293 (50.3%) (50.3%)Domestic Corona 19 new confirmation recorded 13,000 people. More than 5,000 people increased over the previous day, Mitigation is an analysis that the trend of Mitigation was full.

According to the Central Breakfast Measures, as of 06, the domestic community confirmation is 15,743, and 269 overseas influx cases were confirmed, and new confirmation was confirmed to be a total of 13,12. This is the first time to break the 10,000 people, the first time to step on the examples of overseas cases that have been trendy.

Recently, during the recent (20th to 26th), the incidence of patients with date of date is 6,767 ▲ 21, 6767 ▲ 22 days 7,77 people ▲ 7,628 days ▲ 7,628 people ▲ 7,628 Name ▲ 8,555 days ▲ 26 to 121,22 people. The weekly cumulative is 57,98, and the total number of accumulated accumulations were aggregated with 762,983 (2,234 overseas inlets).

The last day of the day, the status of the restructuring was 4,22 games, and the most patient occurred. Seoul, 31,100 people, and 879 Inchon, which are in the midst of the metropolitan area.

563 Susan ▲ 563 Susan ▲ 542 Gyeongsangnam-do 542 ▲ Gyeongbuk 417 people ▲ Kwangju 396 people ▲ Kwangju ▲ 370 people ▲ Keokuk ▲ President Keokuk ▲ Sejong 77 people ▲ EU is 53.

ICDAY's The examples of overseas influx are ▲ 118 Asia, China, 46 Europe ▲ 90 Americas ▲ Africa is 11 people ▲ 269 Oceania and 4 Oceania. These were confirmed that 54 in the quarantine level, were confirmed 215 in the community. The nationality is 173, and 96 foreigners.

In addition, deaths are ▲ ▲ ▲ over 11 years old ▲ 70s ▲ 60s ▲ 60s ▲ 50s ▲ There are 32 people and 40s. The cumulative death is 6620, and the critical rate is 0.87%.

The previous day, 7 people were reduced by 7 people. During the 20th to 26th period, the suspension of the duty at 488 people ▲ 431 people on the 21st, 433, 431, 431, 431 people ▲ 24 days 418 people ▲ ▲ 392 people ▲ 385 people ▲ 26 days, 385 people. Inpatient patients are 123 people, 902 people.

On the other hand, the number of cumulative insurers and the number of vaccinations per vaccination is 4,459,9919 (86.9%) ▲ The secondary incubator (86.9%) ▲ The second incubator (85.5%) ▲ 3rd incubator 2 578,700,293 (50.3%) (50.3%).
