When can you execute Ealyn's Request Quest in Lost Ark?

Eallyn's Request - Early Scene Quest on the Continent Northern Verne. You can perform this quest earlier than it was supposed to result in some confusion about why you suddenly can no longer progress. However, the decision to continue is pretty simple.

how to execute the request or

Powerpass Unlock Quests - Vern Castle - LOST ARK GUIDE You must be the 50th level to execute the main plot quest EALYN'S Request. . If you follow the path that the game offers you, then you will most likely reach this quest after reaching the 50th level.

However, you can enter continents almost in any order, so if you started to explore early, you could end up to be blocked at this stage.

Your only development options are either to go to another continent and pass there the main storyline, or to farm the various global bosses, elite enemies and dungeons, while you cannot dial 50.

Although you cannot pass the main story quest in the northern right to the level of level 50, you Mogu continue to explore the rest of the continent. In the northern right there are two world bosses, and you will need to kill one of them at least twice if you are going to fill the foliage of an adventure seeker, so you will have good opportunities to improve the level by simply by receiving a co-for me.

If you need help in getting odds, check out the section "Where to find Vern Anniversary Spirits in Lost Ark" in the playgrounds for professionals!


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