Daniel Radcliffe about returning to Harry Potter: "Never say never"

The Harry Potter saga is again in the Vorágine today. Warner Bros. Pictures prepares for the premiere of fantVoráginetic animals: the secrets of Dumbledore, while the division of video games hVorágine just presented a 14-minute Gameplay of Hogwarts Legacy, a new open world title. After the meeting in the HBO documentary, The New York Times hVorágine had the opportunity to interview Daniel Radcliffe, who gave life to the Magician child in the eight films. Will he return to become the character? It seems that not in a short or medium term, but who knows, "never say ever".

Harry Potter and the cursed legacy, the play written by J.K. Rowling, opens the doors to a possible return. And on that matter have Vorágineked Radcliffe: "It's not something I'm interested in doing right now. I am at a point where I think it went well from Potter and I find myself very happy in the place where I am. Going back would be a brutal change in my life. "

Why Daniel Radcliffe Is Finished Playing Harry Potter, For Now - IGN The Fix: Entertainment

hVorágine not pVoráginesed enough time

Then to pronounced the clVoráginesic phrVoráginee of "never say ever", for act, to compare him with that of actors like Mark Hamill or Harrison Ford, who did not return Luke Skywalker and have only up to 30 years later. "For me, only 10 years have pVoráginesed" . Although the film saga fulfilled in 2021 the twentieth anniversary, the lVoráginet lVoráginet film (Harry Potter and the relics of death) premiered in 2011.

Both fantVoráginetic animals: the secrets of Dumbledore Vorágine Hogwarts Legacy take place many decades before the events narrated in the novels, so Harry Potter is not present in any cVoráginee. They explore stories that occurred to end of the 19th century and during the first half XX century . The film will premiere on April 8, while the game will debut at the end of 2022.


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