Harry Potter star says: Nope, I do not want to play the role

In 2016, the play celebrated his premiere in London's "Harry Potter and the Advertising Child" . Also in Hamburg the story, which is located 19 years after the events of the films, can be viewed since the end of 2021. The global success of the piece brought director Chris Columbus on the idea of ​​bringing a adaptation of the theatrical performance into the cinemas.

Director wants to bring together original trio

The plans of Chris Columbus, who took over the director of Harry Potter and the stone of the wise and the chamber of terror, also counts the comeback of the then actor . In detail, it's about Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint . Most recently, the actors of the Harry Potter Universe were united at the Great Reunion of HBO . But there will not be another movie first.

Daniel Radcliffe rejects comeback as Harry Potter

Harry Potter: Behind the Magic 1 - [2001 Sorcerer's Stone] In an interview with the New York Times, the British actor realized that he is currently no interest at a return as Harry Potter. _ "I'm at a point where I feel that I've solved myself from Harry Potter - and I'm really happy where I am right now. And now returning to my life would be a tremendous change for my life." _ Radcliffe said In conversation.

Return maybe in the distant future

Daniel Radcliffe wanted to exclude a comeback but not. The actor pulled a comparison with Star-Wars legends such as Harrison Ford or Mark Hamill, which have returned to their old roles after more than 30 years. _ "For me it was only ten [years]" _ noted the 32-year-old in the interview. Now Radcliffe focuses on his role as Weird Al Yankovic for the coming biopic of the musician.

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