All hidden achievements in Genshin Impact 3.2

Genshin Impact 3.2 is finally here with new characters, missions, weapons and more. Along with all the new content, the developers added several new achievements hidden to the game. As the name suggests, these are the secret achievements with which it is quite difficult to stumble unless you know how to achieve them. With all that out of the way, we will list All Genshin Impact 3.2 hidden achievements In this article and explain how to complete them.

Genshin Impact 3.2 hidden achievements

Genshin Impact 3.2 has a total of four hidden achievements that can be acquired by completing certain objectives. So, without further delay, let's deepen the details.

Record records

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Description in the game: burns the vine Pedro hemostasis while performing an immersion attack. How to get there: While fighting with Pedro hypostasis, the enemy will perform some immersion attacks. You can easily realize when hypostasis begins your immersion attack once it brings together a shell around it. After collecting a shell, it will immerse three times. At this point, use Pro to burn it when it lands to complete the achievement. Award : 5x firstborn

The wonderful uses of nitrogen fixation

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Description in the game: During a challenge of Pedro hypostasis, make three restorative manuals in a simultaneously activated state. How to get there: When the health of the hypostasis is low, it will send three restorative medullae. To achieve this achievement, first use Pedro attacks to relive them and then use the electron attack to activate them. Award : 5x firstborn

Everything comes down

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Description in the game: Use elementary matrices to overload and paralyze Should no Kali How to get: Load the electron chips twice, which will result in an overload of elementary matrices and will paralyze the chief Scaramouche (Balladeer). Award : 10x firstborn

Causality of birth and extinction

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Description in the game: Even on the edge of destruction, there is still a return to the letters... How to get there: In the second phase of Scaramouche Boss Fight, it allows the enemy to activate its definitive form and sacrifice one of your characters to receive this achievement. Award : 10x firstborn


That is all you need to know about all hidden achievements in Genshin Impact 3.2. Before leaving, do not forget of updating and downloading 3.2, the best Genshin Impact prejudices and more.

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